Robots 2005 (ORIGINAL VER$0N)

I am a HUGE fan of Robots, I saw it when it came out in the theater, I bought most of, if not all of the merchandise and figures made from the movie, and owned 3 Robots DVDs and watched them religiously,
both the movie, and the 2 included commentaries, on the disk one night I couldn't sleep, so I just stayed up and listened to the commentary, I remembered most of it by heart, but there was one thing that Chris Wedge and Bill Joyce said, that I had not noticed before, it was about a deleted scene near the end of the movie. This scene took the place of Cappy and Rodney busting in, instead Madame Gasket came in with a doctor,
the appearance of the doctor looked somewhat simmilar to Gasket, excep he was green and had magnafyers over his eyes, and fingerss made of scalpls and a larg needle in the center of one of his hans,
in the scope of Robots world he appeared to be from the "steam age".
that's where our knowlege of him ends, the only remining evidnce off his exstence is a feew secods of the Robots "sneak peak" on the Garfield DVD.
Upon learning of this character I wanted to know more.
So I managed to get in touch with Bill Joyce and asked him if he had the origonal cut of Robots, since he had spoken in the commentary about a possible director's cut,
and he said that he did, he told me he would give it to me, with one stipulation that I would never show it to anyone else.
I agreed and got it in an email, I downladed the fil and begin viewing it.
the film played out normal with only a few minor differences, that is... until it got to the scene with
the doctor, Ratchet was whimpering in the darkened boardroom with an unconscious Bigweld, and madame gasket comes in with the doctor, she exclaims that Ratchet will be the head of "Ratchet Industries" by this time tomorrow, the doctor then proceeds to drill into Bigweld's head, but when he does instead of normal robot parts and electrical hardware, blood and brains can be seen coming out of Bigweld's head, as the doctor drilled into him relishing the blood and brains flying onto him as he cuts deeper and deeper, when he is finally done, Madame Gasket proclaims that Ratched is now the head of Ratchet Industries, then Sonick.exe cames and poppes out the tv and murdred me violointy and m died, and evil Patrixxxx was tere and laughed teh end.